↔️ Swipe Navigation

Sorry I misunderstood everything. I thought it was used to move from one board to another

There’s only one emoticon for this: :partying_face:

Thanks a lot!

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Working fine on brave browser on my mobile but cannot get it working on the Android companion app. Anyone encountered the same? Slowly working through the thread to see if I’ve missed anything.

I would love to use this as a swipe back from previous view and I use a lot of hidden views as well. Now we configure the swipe navigation on the whole dashboard but it would be great to be able to add them to the individual tabs so that one can for example decide that if I’m on tab “home” and swipe, do nothing. If I’m on the “Rooms” tab and swipe go to “home”.

Also custom:button-card seems to be a problem, anyway around that?

Old post

Edit: Okay I got it to work but not over a custom:button-card I would love to use this as a swipe back button like is the default on any other iOS app. But that kind of swap does open the HA sidebar menu. Can this be disabled somehow and can I configure the swap nav to somehow go to the previous page? (Even if they are hidden)

Old: I don’t get this to work on the iOS app, does it work with hidden tabs as well and do you configure for the whole dashboard or all the individual tabs?

I tried with the example in the docs right above my dashboards views:

Or might it be my custom:button-card breaking things?

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Have a look to browser_mod 2, in particular the new hide sidebar feature.

It’s working for me. Be sure to refresh the cache.

I don’t think button-card is conflicting with the swipe but if you provide a minumum working example I can try to reproduce it.

About custom swipes, there is an open issue here which is under evaluation. However the request is about global custom swipes, not “per tab”. I don’t plan to add the per-tab custom swipe in the near future but you’re welcome to open a new issue and try to gather consensus from the community.

Thanks. I just wish HA had subpages so we could use swipe as how it works in all other apps like a back swipe always takes you back one step.

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This behavior is the one described by the issue above (global swipe actions, e.g. go back on left-to-right swipe). It is under evaluation now, but it might find its way eventually. :wink:


Love this one, should be a core feature.
It works great on mobile; how to emulate the swipe on non-touch devices (desktop/mouse/touchpad)?

There is no way to do it directly now. I don’t think there is many people wanting this, but contradict me if I’m wrong. =)
Feel free to open an issue on GitHub and I’ll consider it if it gains enough traction.

Swiping using the mouse is now possibile with v1.13.0.


Did anyone else face an issue with this ? After a HA update it stopped working

Update the plugin and force refresh all caches- you should be good after.

I was using the old one. Just uninstalled it and installed the new one and works fine. Thanks :slight_smile:

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I cannot make it work on Home Assistant 2023.3.0 Frontend 20230301.0 - latest running on Docker.
I’ve created /config/www/hass-swipe-navigation and placed inside swipe-navigation.js.
I’ve also created /config/ui-lovelace.yaml with the content in the README.md, because I wasn’t able to understand how to do it in “Dashboard Resources”.

I haven’t observed any change of behavior of the mobile UI and I don’t see the browser loading swipe-navigation.js at any time running under Firefox developer tools.

What I’m doing wrong?

I’ve installed HACS instead and used it to download Swipe Navigation. Success!
Thanks, it works great

*Edit Nvm. I just looked into adding sub dashboards and I found out that you can add more dashboards in the same dashboard which works perfect with the swiping.
I thought the dashboards were supposed to swipe between the dashboards on the sidebar.
The way its working makes total sense. Simply being derpy, leaving this here in case someone else makes a similar mistake.

This is what I get for being new to home assistant. Thanks for the amazing plugin!

I’ve just installed this through HACS but I can’t seem to get it working on my phone.
I’ve enabled logging to try and figure out whats going on but I’m a bit clueless as to where the logging takes place? It’s not showing up in my home-assistant.log
My dashboard contains:

title: Overview
  wrap: true
  animate: none
  prevent_default: true
  swipe_amount: 15
  enable: true
  logger_level: verbose

Also tried it with no config but same effect.

It shows up under dashboard resources, I’m using it in combination with: auto-entities, card-mod, mushroom and mini-graph-card-bundle.
I’ve tried rebooting the HAS mobile app a few times and looking at it through chrome/firefox but no swiping options are appearing.
Looking at it through my desktop browser I can see the script is active:

↔️ Swipe navigation ↔️ - v1.11.1 swipe-navigation.js:1:42978
↔️ Swipe navigation: [I] New configuration loaded. swipe-navigation.js:1:43883
↔️ Swipe navigation: [D] Config is identical. swipe-navigation.js:1:43883
↔️ Swipe navigation: [D] Object refreshed: "div". swipe-navigation.js:1:43883
↔️ Swipe navigation: [D] Initializing SwipeManger... swipe-navigation.js:1:43883

My HAS is on 2023.5.3

Any clues?

Hi, not work on latest version of HA

This is mega, love all the animations when sliding between. Thanks!

Have some mini-graph-cards though and am unable to view points on a graph (on a touch device), as the dashboard wants to slide tabs

It works, trust me.