I’m doing a remodel and at the point where I’m ready to start replacing switches so it’s time to automate. I have HA running on Unraid, good Wi-Fi, and a GoControl z-wave/zigbee dongle. Looking for decora style switches and outlets. Everything I’ve looked at in the house so far has neutrals.
Here’s the kicker, wife has OCD One of her things is that all the switches in the house have to be down when the light is off. I can’t have a physical switch that stays in the up/on position when toggled off by an automation or vice versa. She will walk up and down the stairs to fix the threeway switches (3 of them) for the entryway/stair light.
Is there anything out there that’s maybe a self centering switch. Something that when pressed up/on returns back to a neutral center position more like two buttons rather then a switch. Hope that’s an adequate explanation.
What about pushbutton momentary switches? They have no resting position.
You have an example? Prefer something that has a tactile, switch in the dark while half asleep, kinda function.
Something like this with a shelly dimmer behind it. https://www.amazon.com/PASS-SEYMOUR-TM870STMLACC6-Garbdisp-Switch/dp/B0044UP2UU/ref=sr_1_11?keywords=momentary+decora+switch&qid=1651359441&sr=8-11
I was hoping for something more integrated but I could see how this could work.
You’ll be able to sift your way thru here. Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker
There are a few decora.
The Zooz zwave switches are momentary so they click but return to a neutral position. Most decora smart switches are this way in my experience.
I’ve had good luck with zooz. Had two fail but they replaced them right away. Been running a bunch of their devices for a few years and they have been very stable.
Not sure in which part of the world you are located.
If in the UK/EU and depending on your budget, LightwaveRF switched are push button (top to turn on, bottom to turn off).
The V2 also report their status (my V1 can receive commands but do not expose their status back).
I think with OCD even minor things are important. So could you please more specific.
Are all switches need to be down if light is off
Are all switches need to be in a defined (equal trough your house) position if light is off
Is there a requirement for alle switches to have a defined position if the light is on and another position if light is off
Momentary switches may have the problem hat they have always the same position. You press the button → light goes on, switch is down, you press the button again → light are off. For your wife it is maybe a huge difference
I would love to hear what the solution is at the end.
We’ve discussed it and believe that with the low profile of decora vs toggle style switches she would be okay with them being in the neutral position through the whole house.
She also has a compulsion for flipping switches at times. As long as it functions with the up/on down/off style it would address that.
I’m going to have to replace the majority of the 40 switches in the house immediately to keep from triggering her. By no means a small investment.
Does it need to be tactile? Touch-sensitive switches could work too (acting like momentary buttons/switches).
Yes. She needs the physical act of toggling the switch. It’s part or some of her routines.