Switch multiple command MQTT

Hi, I have to configure a switch for a roller shutter which should do with a command:

  • Turn off the engine
    -Wait about 50mS
    -Switch relay to opening
    -Wait about 50mS
  • Start the engine for a set time.
    All in MQTT.
    Individually the commands work, but I don’t understand how to integrate them into a single switch.
  - platform: mqtt 
    unique_id: serranda_1_Power_switch
    name: "Serranda 1 Power"
    state_topic: "ESP_Easy_12_Serrande/State"
    command_topic: "ESP_Easy_12_Serrande/cmd"
    payload_on: "mcplongpulse,2,0,3"
    payload_off: "mcplongpulse,2,0,3"
    state_on: "1"
    state_off: "0"
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: false

Commands to enter in the switch:
payload: "MCPGPIO,2,1"    #Motor Off
payload: "MCPGPIO,2,1"    #Motor On
payload: "mcplongpulse,2,0,3" #Motor On for 3 seconds