Switch to OZW Betta - 2 unknown device

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Today attempted to switch to Open Zwave beta. It took only few min to setup & all of my devices appeared but 2. I own over 20+ Z-wave devices, Zooz, Inovelli, Aeotec and GE and all of them are working fine. I will have to work on names etc to fix my automatons, but this was expected.

these to were showing unknown
Zooz Z29 - motion sensor
Intermatic HA-02 - this is older device, which was working fine with old setup.

2 questions:
1 - Any idea how to fix this & attempt to remediate ?
2 - How do I configure parameters for individual Z-wave devices? It used to be Integrations > Zwave > select zwave device and the rest will appear below

Errors I’ve seen in OZW_log.txt:

2020-11-26 16:47:12.761 Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:373 - 100 - Invalid HomeId passed to GetDriver
2020-11-26 16:48:42.758 Error, mgr,     Manager::GetDriver failed - Home ID 0xf2e9e9e9 is unknown
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:373 - 100 - Invalid HomeId passed to GetDriver
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Error, mgr,     Manager::GetDriver failed - Home ID 0xf2e9e9e9 is unknown
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:373 - 100 - Invalid HomeId passed to GetDriver
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Error, mgr,     Manager::GetDriver failed - Home ID 0xf2e9e9e9 is unknown
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:373 - 100 - Invalid HomeId passed to GetDriver
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Error, mgr,     Manager::GetDriver failed - Home ID 0xf2e9e9e9 is unknown
2020-11-26 16:48:42.759 Warning, Exception: Manager.cpp:373 - 100 - Invalid HomeId passed to GetDriver

thanks and hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving!

I suspect the unknown devices are battery operated, so you’ll have to wait for them to check in or force them to wake up by pushing some sort of action button on the device(s).

You can configure devices through either:

  1. The OZW Admin, by using the embedded VNC of the addon (port 7800 by default, if exposed) or using the OZW Admin tool on your local machine ( OpenZWave/ozw-admin: OpenZWave Gui (github.com) )
  2. MQTT messages, but you’ll have to know how to format them and know the correct values
  3. Through the UI, OpenZWave (beta) - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Thanks Rick,

Z29 motion detector is normally battery operated, but mine is counted to power source all the time. HA-02 is a power plug (no battery). I waited and pressed the power or wake button & no luck.

before Open Zwave beta, if device was showing unknown I would just need to to get latest device files from https://github.com/home-assistant/open-zwave/ and that would fix it/make it work. Is there such a procedure for Open ZWave beta?

Can you check the Node Status first? See if the loading stage has completed? For the OZW beta addon I don’t know where the files are stored on the HA device (assuming you’re running HASSOS/Hass.io), but the files are inside the /opt/ozw/config folder, there’s a subfolder for every vendor.

Rick - thanks for your help!

I decided to start over with ZWave, I removed all devices from my Z-wave controller, removed old z-wave integration, started fresh with Open Zwave beta.
I have to admit I am bit struggling.

When I configured Open Zwave Beta . I got prompt if I want to use my AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 US and said yes.

I tried to add 2 z-wave switches, one Inovelli and one Zooz and I am stuck.
this is what I see

this is what I see under nodes, they are stuck on protocol info:

not sure what I’m doing wrong? If I go to Supervisor > Open ZWave > Open Admin UI I see similar results.

are there similar logs with Open ZWave beta like OZW_Logs.txt that I can monitor activity?
do I add nodes via Configuration> Integration > OpenZwaveBeta > Configure > Add Node

If it helps I am running HA on Ubuntu VM in docker.

Have you tried disabling modemmanager?

Yes, it was disabled while ago when I setup HA originally. But good thinking I double checked it and its still disabled.

Based on your previous error messages, it looks like you need to reset the controller.

I made some progress, it feels like a coin toss. Device might be added or might not :confused: . Weirdly enough, its not showing any info for controller itself.

this screenshot looks much better & more promising

at this point I am not sure if I should throw the towel. I guess life of beta :slight_smile: It does seem to be stable & reliable.

what would be best way to reset it, remove all devices and start over?

There should be a ‘Reset Controller’ button if I recall.

RTFM :slight_smile: …just did it , hopefully I will have a better luck this time.

in Open ZWave beta, is there a way to read logs like /config/OZQ_Log.txt?

I tried docker container logs - f but it was way too fast to see anything.

You should have the volume mapped. How’d you setup the container?

hope thats not a problem.

I just installed OpenZwave via Supervisor & container got created. Is that a right way to do that? is there a guide or steps that should be followed?
this is what I used: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/ozw/ not much there

these are the steps I performed:

Installed Mosquitto broker via Super­visor> Addons Store> Mosquitto broker

Installed MQTT Con­fig­ur­a­tion > Integ­ra­tions > MQTT

Installed OpenZWave > Super­visor > Addon Store > Open zwave

Configured OpenZWave integration > Con­fig­ur­a­tion > Integ­ra­tions > “Open­ZWave (beta)” box

Ah that’s the addon, you’d have to figure out how to get in the container to find the files, but I recall there being a log tab you can watch.

I figured out what was the issue.

This morning, I reset my controller & after I started adding/including my zwave devices, at some point my zwave network started acting up.

Long story short I saw that Zooz ZEN22 was sending hundreds of messages per min & I think it was overwhelming the Zwave controller. Soon as I excluded this switch, everything started to function as normal.

I have to figure out what’s wrong with ZEN22, its been working perfectly.

Also my ZSE29, Zooz motion sensor, its showing as “unknown”. I checked and data/ozw/config/Zooz folder has zse29.xml.

here is a short sample of messages that were sent to controller:

[20201129 10:43:35.009 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8   Received: 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x05, 0x26, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xd9
[20201129 10:43:35.009 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.010 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Response RTT 54 Average Response RTT 51
[20201129 10:43:35.010 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=0
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=75, new value=0, type=byte
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.012 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8     Target Value is Set to 1
[20201129 10:43:35.012 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.013 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 0 Timer: adding event in 250 ms
[20201129 10:43:35.013 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 0 Timer: waiting with timeout 32 ms
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=1, new value=1, type=byte
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Changes to this value are not verified
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.016 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=0, new value=0, type=int
[20201129 10:43:35.016 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.017 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Changes to this value are not verified
[20201129 10:43:35.017 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8   Expected reply and command class was received
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8   Message transaction complete
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.019 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Removing current message
[20201129 10:43:35.019 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.020 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Notification: ValueRefreshed CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 9
[20201129 10:43:35.020 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.021 PST] [ozw.notifications] [debug]: Notification pvt_valueRefreshed:  2533274937819153 Thread:  0x7fcc82a3dd48
[20201129 10:43:35.021 PST] [ozw.mqtt.publisher] [debug]: Publishing Event valueRefreshed: 2533274937819153
[20201129 10:43:35.022 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Notification: ValueRefreshed CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 5
[20201129 10:43:35.022 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.023 PST] [ozw.notifications] [debug]: Notification pvt_valueRefreshed:  1407375030976531 Thread:  0x7fcc82a3dd48
[20201129 10:43:35.023 PST] [ozw.mqtt.publisher] [debug]: Publishing Event valueRefreshed: 1407375030976531
[20201129 10:43:35.024 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xa1, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=8): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x08, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xa1, 0x4f
[20201129 10:43:35.024 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.025 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Encrypted Flag is 0
[20201129 10:43:35.025 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.038 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8   Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x13, 0x01, 0xe8
[20201129 10:43:35.038 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.043 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8   ZW_SEND_DATA delivered to Z-Wave stack
[20201129 10:43:35.043 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.046 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 0 Timer: delayed event
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Sending Get to Refresh Value after Target Check
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.048 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Queuing (Send) SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=8): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x08, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x5f, 0xb1