I figured out what was the issue.
This morning, I reset my controller & after I started adding/including my zwave devices, at some point my zwave network started acting up.
Long story short I saw that Zooz ZEN22 was sending hundreds of messages per min & I think it was overwhelming the Zwave controller. Soon as I excluded this switch, everything started to function as normal.
I have to figure out what’s wrong with ZEN22, its been working perfectly.
Also my ZSE29, Zooz motion sensor, its showing as “unknown”. I checked and data/ozw/config/Zooz folder has zse29.xml.
here is a short sample of messages that were sent to controller:
[20201129 10:43:35.009 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Received: 0x01, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x05, 0x26, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0xd9
[20201129 10:43:35.009 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.010 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Response RTT 54 Average Response RTT 51
[20201129 10:43:35.010 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=0
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=75, new value=0, type=byte
[20201129 10:43:35.011 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.012 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Target Value is Set to 1
[20201129 10:43:35.012 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.013 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 0 Timer: adding event in 250 ms
[20201129 10:43:35.013 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 0 Timer: waiting with timeout 32 ms
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.014 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=1, new value=1, type=byte
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Changes to this value are not verified
[20201129 10:43:35.015 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.016 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Value Updated: old value=0, new value=0, type=int
[20201129 10:43:35.016 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.017 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Changes to this value are not verified
[20201129 10:43:35.017 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Expected reply and command class was received
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Message transaction complete
[20201129 10:43:35.018 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.019 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Removing current message
[20201129 10:43:35.019 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.020 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Notification: ValueRefreshed CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 9
[20201129 10:43:35.020 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.021 PST] [ozw.notifications] [debug]: Notification pvt_valueRefreshed: 2533274937819153 Thread: 0x7fcc82a3dd48
[20201129 10:43:35.021 PST] [ozw.mqtt.publisher] [debug]: Publishing Event valueRefreshed: 2533274937819153
[20201129 10:43:35.022 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Notification: ValueRefreshed CC: COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_MULTILEVEL Instance: 1 Index: 5
[20201129 10:43:35.022 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.023 PST] [ozw.notifications] [debug]: Notification pvt_valueRefreshed: 1407375030976531 Thread: 0x7fcc82a3dd48
[20201129 10:43:35.023 PST] [ozw.mqtt.publisher] [debug]: Publishing Event valueRefreshed: 1407375030976531
[20201129 10:43:35.024 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Sending (Send) message (Callback ID=0xa1, Expected Reply=0x04) - SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=8): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x08, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0xa1, 0x4f
[20201129 10:43:35.024 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.025 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Encrypted Flag is 0
[20201129 10:43:35.025 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.038 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Received: 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0x13, 0x01, 0xe8
[20201129 10:43:35.038 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.043 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 ZW_SEND_DATA delivered to Z-Wave stack
[20201129 10:43:35.043 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.046 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 0 Timer: delayed event
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.library] [info]: Info - Node: 8 Sending Get to Refresh Value after Target Check
[20201129 10:43:35.047 PST] [ozw.logging] [debug]: popping Log Mesages
[20201129 10:43:35.048 PST] [ozw.library] [debug]: Detail - Node: 8 Queuing (Send) SwitchMultilevelCmd_Get (Node=8): 0x01, 0x09, 0x00, 0x13, 0x08, 0x02, 0x26, 0x02, 0x25, 0x5f, 0xb1