Can You please help me is direct me for a manual/tutorial of how to add switch command_line button in lovelace?
I have a Philips Air Purifier that works only from CoAP commnad line. (none of hacs integrations work for now) I know that it communicates from my terminal and gives me back status data via IP.
I found that i need to put in configuration.yaml this lines:
- platform: command_line
command_on: "airctrl --ipaddr 192.168.0.XXX --protocol coap --pwr 1"
command_off: "airctrl --ipaddr 192.168.0.XXX --protocol coap --pwr 0"
command_state: "airctrl --ipaddr 1192.168.0.XXX --protocol coap | grep Power | sed 's/^.*: //'"
value_template: '{{ value == "ON" }}'
friendly_name: Philips AIR
But really dont know what now i should really do to engage or “show” this - what shoud i add in lovelace ?
Please help