Hope this is the correct place, looked for a general section.
I’ve added a couple of switches that when they I reload HA yaml file they come up as per attached image. any ideas why, I’d expect them to come on as per actual state.
could be, but still why do they come up confused and all the others come up correctly.
they all went down together, knowing state…
– thinking… mqtt state…
ok, so i can do this for only one entity ? and specify it’s cmd/…/status endpoint, or make that the offending entities… ?
still would want to understand why these 4 are behaving so different from all the others.
please explain the command/log for me.
what i’m reading it is pushing a empty status to my status topic, nullifying it in effect.
how would that fix my problem ?
??? shouldn’t that be set to true in order to survive a reload ?
Retained messages are a valuable feature in MQTT that
mitigates uncertainty regarding message publication.
By enabling the retention of the most recent message on a topic,
subscribers can stay informed about the current state,
even during periods of inactivity.
2 of entities behave as they suppose to with this set to false, other 2 mis behave with false and with true.
my entities are all defined with true in configuration.yaml.
My logic also say as per your comment above, but going to see what happens if this from the offending entities.