Switching in dashboard works only once

I have new porblem with my dasboard.
I started to integrate the lights to my dashboard which worked fine (respond time sometimes a bit slow like when switching a light of it took 1-2sec to change the status but ok as the light swiched off immediately).

Now I have the situation that I can switch once, the light goes on but the status stays at “off”. I cant switch it off again from the dashboard, nothing happens when I try to switch. If I go to the detail view it also tells me that the ligth is off (but in reality its on).
Now I can switch it on in the detail view (nothing happens as the light is already on) and after that I can switch it off (from this point it works again).

Using Free@Home for the lights.

Hi, what is ‘Free@Home’?

Are you connected over cable of wireless?
Did you try refreshing your browser or use another one or even another device to connect to your HA?
It seems like your dashboard/browser is not updated/has a bad connection/…

Free@Home is a home automation bus system (basically KNX but with simple user interface and works only with components of Busch+Jäger/ABB).
It`s a custom integration:

Discovered it on my phone (wireless), tried it also on my laptop (LAN), tried to fully restart HA, deleted the button on the dashboard, created a new one…

Tried again today and it seems to be a problem also when I`m directly at the device.
Switching works there but if I switch on a light the slider jumps to blue (on), light goes on and after 2-3sec it jumps back to grey. As long as it is blue I can switch it off again, as soon as it jumped back to grey I neet to switch it on again (nothing happens) and off immediately, then the light is off also in reality. Also in the history there is no change, the system seems to think the light is always off (except it is switcht from a house swicht out of free@home, not HA)

I might have found the problem, had some trouble with the integration (window blinds) and replaced all files in the custom integration folder which solved the issue. The system told me already for a while that it has found new devices (because I have renamed some in Free@Home?!) and if I want to add the integration even if I already had this integration. Now it seems that I have it double (all devices are there double but not all entities…)

Deleted all integrations and added it again (doesn`t matter, lost a bit of history but I have no use for this data at the moment anyway, not much done with this entities so far).
Now it seems to work again.

I hope I did not create too much mess in the background of the system :slight_smile: