Switching Tasmota from MQTT to Tasmota Intregration?


i have a lot of tasmota devices, that I have integrated via MQTT.
Now the HA blog tells me, that I should use the official integration instead of MQTT.
I really dont want to setup all devices again. Is there a script or somethin, that I can switch to the Tasmota integration und dont have to rename or re-add my tasmo devices?
If not. Can I simply stay with MQTT, or will there be any problems in the fu

Tasmota integration requires Tasmota 9.2 or later. I have about 80 devices on Tasmota 6.6.x, and the remaining are between 7.x and 8.x. I have none on the 9.x branch.

Tasmota wiki says: The first rule of upgrading: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


So for the moment I don’t upgrade, and stay with MQTT

Tasmota v12 “[r]emoved dedicated MQTT Home Assistant discovery in favour of Tasmota Discovery and hatasmota.” Anyone got any suggestions on migrating, now that it’s actually required?

Does this mean, that firmware 12.3.1 does not work? I tried to integrate two SX20 in Home Assistant, but I can’t use them in the “native” Tasmota-Integration. The switches are visible in the overview, but the controls are grey.

Would this be fixed with an old firmware, i. e. 9.2?