I’ve installed Home Assistant Core as a Docker container via the official guide on Raspbian running on a Raspberry Pi 3.
After setting everything up and connecting my devices, I’ve come to realise that I should’ve probably gone the Supervisor route (to be able to use DuckDNS to make SSL set-up easier; and possibly to use other Add-Ons).
My question is: is there an installation guide which helps me to now switch to a Supervised installation while keeping my Core setup so I don’t have to set everything up again? Or am I best off starting from scratch using something like the below guide and importing an HA backup? Edit: darn, I just saw that backup/restore appears to only be possible with HassIO.
Just a bit worried about losing my set-up since connecting my 10 BLE thermometers took absolute ages.
Based on a few things in your post (incorrect terminology and a misunderstanding of the differences between the three major installation methods), I recommend you review this table in the Installation documentation.
Thanks 123, I now realise that my terminology was all over the place. I assumed Core is what was installed when I went with the Container option, and I also used HassIO where I should have said OS.
Thanks for the table which cleared it up for me, and it also highlighted that I probably do have to start from scratch since the Container option I now have does not support backups.
Yes, if you installed Core or Container, and want to use the Supervised version, you will have to install it from scratch. If you have Container then at least you already have docker installed. If you have Core then you have none of the prerequisites (other than perhaps a Linux operating system installed).
There’s no simple upgrade path between Core/Container and Supervised; it’s a fresh installation. Don’t forget to save the contents of your configuration directory and the contents of the hidden .storage sub-directory.
Thank you very much! That’s super helpful and will switch over to the Supervised version before making more headway.
So if I do that and then replace the configuration directory with the contents of my current one, everything will still be set-up as I have it now? Including user accounts, integrations, devices, etc.?
In my case, that appears to be /home/pi/homeassistant. But next time around, I’ll delete the pi user and create a different one.
I hesitate to provide a resounding “Yes!”; let’s just say that odds are good that most things will be restored but you may need to do some additional modifications to put everything back in order.
I’m very new to Home Assistant and followed the Install HA OS (recommended) procedure for a Rasp Pi 4 w/ 8GB. Played a little with the HA CLI and then moved over to the browser, adding VSC, editing config.yaml to add a switch on the rpi_gpio platform and display the CPU temp.
Now I want to run shell commands as services which run python scripts, start daemons, etc. But I can’t figure out how to navigate the file structure. Specifically, if my yaml entry is “my_script: bash /config/shell/script.sh”, how do get at (or create) the /config/shell directory to put my script file in there? I can’t figure
it out from the HA CLI and a Win 10 PC thinks the SD Card is unreadable and needs formatting. Am I missing something really basic or is it just not possible with the installation I’ve chosen? If the latter, which other HA install path would be advisable?