Sync z-wave from other computer with usb stick

I have decided I want to run hass on my proxmox server since I dont want more machines.

However I have some switches in the garage which is to far away to add from proxmox server.

So I am wondering if I can take the z-wave usb stick and put into a windows laptop and take it to the garage and sync devices from there and then put usb stick back in proxmox server? Since from my understanding devices are saved on the usb stick.

If yes any recommended windows software I could use?

You need a good signal from where the stick will live to where your device lives and should pair in place. There are rare exceptions, but this keeps your mesh healthy and strong. If you bring the stick to the device and join and bring your stick back to its normal spot, if the signal is not strong enough the device will drop. (if it’s not strong enough to pair in place it’s usually not strong enough to operate)

If the signal isn’t strong enough to reach natively, you need more repeaters between the coordinator and the device. In both Zigbee and ZWave, line powered devices are almost always repeating devices. I use about 10-15 meters as a planning distance between my repeaters.

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From my understanding with zwave you need to have the pairing device close by the first time. You cant pair trhough repeaters? Atleast according to the devices manual.

This was easier when running raspbeery since I could just move the raspberry. Little harder with the server.

If your device is ZWave Plus it should work. If its not it may work and you should try it that way first. If that doesn’t work then move the device, pair, put in place and Immediately try to repair device.

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