SynologyDSM Sensor - more than one NAS


Would like to add two Synology NAS-stations to HA. It seems, that the SynologyDSM Sensor can handle only one?

Has anyone successfully added more than one discstation?

I dont have 2 of them, but i think you could just add an other sensor?

  - platform: synologydsm
    host: 192.168.0.XXX
    port: 5000
    username: !secret Synology_UN
    password: !secret Synology_PW
      - cpu_total_load
      - memory_real_usage
      - network_up
      - network_down
      - volume_disk_temp_avg
      - volume_percentage_used
  - platform: synologydsm2
    host: 192.168.0.XXX
    port: 5000
    username: !secret Synology_UN
    password: !secret Synology_PW
      - cpu_total_load
      - memory_real_usage
      - network_up
      - network_down
      - volume_disk_temp_avg
      - volume_percentage_used

Had not tried to add a platfom called synologydsm2.

Did not work:
Failed config
General Errors:
- Platform not found: sensor.synologydsm2
Successful config (partial)

Thanks for the idea.




Not sure what you mean?

  - platform: synologydsm
    host: 192.168.0.XXX
    port: 5000
    username: !secret Synology_UN
    password: !secret Synology_PW
      - cpu_total_load
      - memory_real_usage
      - network_up
      - network_down
      - volume_disk_temp_avg
      - volume_percentage_used
  - platform: synologydsm2
    host: 192.168.0.XXX
    port: 5000
    username: !secret Synology_UN
    password: !secret Synology_PW
      - cpu_total_load
      - memory_real_usage
      - network_up
      - network_down
      - volume_disk_temp_avg
      - volume_percentage_used

Ah :slight_smile:

Good thinking - but it did not work.

Failed config
General Errors:
- Component not found: sensor2
- Setup failed for sensor2: Component not found.

I dont think it is possible.

That sucks…

There must be a way!

our family have two synology NAS in the local network. I managed to get them to work. I have other issues, but I have gotten further than anyone else on this thread.

Here is my setup

  - platform: synologydsm
    host: local_ip_1
    username: user1
    password: password1
      - network_down
      - volume_percentage_used
  - platform: synologydsm
    host: local_ip_2
    username: user2
    password: password2
      - network_down
      - volume_percentage_used