It says that “AT” is not a valid option for “Trigger”.
Also, althought it doesn’t load the automation, my lights turn to full brightness and blue at 12:05AM. So the wrong thing is triggered at the wrong time. See any problems with the syntax?
I mean the ‘at’ was introduced few versions ago, but if you have HA version up to date, maybe there’s another mistake in your config.
Do you have another automation with time triggering?
Mine also works fine, I used double quote instead of single quote for time. Here is my example:
# Front Lights Off at 11PM
- id: front_lights_off_at_11_night
alias: front lights off at 11 night
platform: time
at: "23:00:00"
service: homeassistant.turn_off
entity_id: switch.maindoor
However I am still struggling with multiple conditions in my automation rules. I have AND, OR in my conditions and automation editor complains that ‘Conditions are not supported yet’.