System Log Warning - Seems Add-On Related

I’m trying to clean up warning messages from the system log. Currently working on this message:

“20-02-24 03:40:29 WARNING (MainThread) [] Can’t read /data/addons/git/103df7aa/firetv-server/config.json: required key not provided @ data[‘arch’]. Got None”

I’ve been googling and best I can tell this issue is similar to what other people have seen when a 3rd-party addon git repo is out of date.

In my search results, the only suggestion I see to correct the issue is along the lines of “contact the repo owner to fix”.

Am I getting to the right conclusion? If so, I would rather not rely on someone else to fix this.
Can’t I just remove the addon / repo?

If this warning means something totally different, I’d greatly appreciate someone who can tell me what the real issue is.

Hass.IO version 0.105.5




In your add-on store you have a repository that contains add-ons which are missing the section for architecture in config.json. it should be something like:

“arch”: [“armhf”, “armv7”, “aarch64”, “i386”, “amd64”]

You can remove the repository from your add-on store, or you can contact the creator of the addon to get it fixed or you can copy the addon that you are using from that repository in your local addon folder and edit the file yourself.


Thanks for the response, jhhbe. Your response led me to a solution. Greatly appreciated!

You can remove the repository from your add-on store

This was my original preference, but there was seemingly nothing to remove. The add-on wasn’t visible on the Supervisor->DASHBOARD page. Neither did the repository show up on the Supervisor->ADD-ON STORE page.

I actually had to add the original git repo back to the Supervisor->ADD-ON STORE page, then I had something to remove :slight_smile:. I’m not sure why the repo disappeared from the GUI in the first place, but adding and removing seems to have done the trick.

Yes, the add-on store has some small issues, for instance if you do a full restore you will see that you get your add-ons back, but it doesn’t populate the repositories in the add-on store section. This may be related? I’ll need to look into how to report a bug.