Systemair SAVECare Ventilation unit

I have VTR 700 for about 6 months. About a week ago it stopped responding both on it’s LCD control panel and also via the SaveConnect 2.0. So similar situation as described by others here. Since I do not have it connected to the Modbus gateway yet, the crash could not have been caused by the Modbus integration… Had to turn the power off and on again to get it working again.

Since then I have upgraded firmware on the unit to latest, so far no issues, but then it was up and running for half a year before too.

Current firmware:
Main board 1.22.0
IAM 1.3.0

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This worked out of the box on my SAVE VTR250 with the connect 2 module :slight_smile:

  • technot

Hi @tesharp could you advice me please? I have downloaded all files, placed them into custom_components/integration_blueprint/ but when I reboot HA and try to find Integration blueprint I have no results. Many thanks. Filip

Github says it all

Just download this files and name like in github

Works like a charm. I have done it before but have no idea why it did not work that time. Now I have it. It is great! thanks @tesharp great work!

When using CO2 control, is there a way to have different speed for eaf and saf?
I have set different speeds in both the 1400-1409 and 1410 - 1419 ranges, but it doesnt change anything.

I set up this by SystemAir app, so I’m not sure how is it working via MODBUS (for expample what is the correct register), but when you check IAQ setting, there you can set fan speed range (or pressure range, … depending on your settings), for expample that IAQ will be working between “normal” and “highest” mode. And when you set different EAF and SAF speed on these modes, the IAQ should work with these values.

Thank’s for the tip. I’ll look over the documentation again to see if I have something I didn’t try to change :slight_smile:

I checked the MODBUS documentation and registers 1401-1410 contains percentage values of air flow. In my version I’m missing values 1411-1419, but I supose these are for RPM. Anyway, did you set up correct airflow type? I didn’t find that in MODBUS variables list, but you can set up this in mobile app or web app of your unit (Configuration-Control regulation-Fan control). I mean, aren’t you setting up for example percentage values, but the airflow type is RPM?

I have VSR500 and registers 12113 and 1114 not works. I get “0” when I read it.
Whats wrong am I doing or is it possible that my VSR500 does not offer that sensors?

Hi, 12113 is a holding register where you can write CO2 value from your own sensor. It’s not for getting CO2 level from SystemAir unit. For example in my case, I have SCD30 CO2 detectors in rooms and I’m sending the highest value from them to register 12113 and units than regulates RPM based on actual CO2 level in house.

@DariusSystemair do you know if there is a modbus sensor register for Cooker Hood like 12112 for CO2 sensor? I want to switch to Cooker Hood mode when I turn on my kitchen fan.

Also, it seems like 1039 register suppose to indicate if current season is winter or summer, but looks like it always set to summer? Because of this, changing RH setpoint for winter doesn’t have any effect.