Tabs become unresponsive after a short time

When I open the node red ui, I can see the first tab as it’s present by default. When I try to click another tab it doesn’t do anything. I can continue to make changes in the first tab. If I restart node red or ha then I can change tabs and do things but after a short time it goes back to being unresponsive when I click on another tab. Any help appreciated!

Hi there, What is the type of system you are running this? Also what type of HA installation?

Sorry, I should have included that info. It’s a supervised system, NR installed as an addon.

Are you running it in raspberry pi or what is the host system you have?

An older i5 nuc, 16gb ram. It’s been working fine over the past 8 months or so.

Usually unresponsive tab comes out of 2 reasons, one a system with lower specs and second issues with network. In your case I dont think these are the culprits. But then again please check if your network is working fine.

Also there has been reports of such issue when there is a caching issue with browser or even an outdated browser. In that case try a different browser or even reloading cache might solve it.

Network is fine, it’s functioning great, all flows are responding/running, ui is fast and responsive in all other aspects of HA and other addons. I just can’t navigate the node red tabs. Tried clearing cache in latest chrome, also tried latest firefox, all with same result.

Starting to get worried here, I can’t keep restarting node red every time I want to make a change to a tab other than the first one. Am I at the point where I should export all my flows, remove node red, and reinstall?

Do you have any flows that make changes to the server, like enabling/disabling pages or flows? If this doesn’t sound familiar, it’s doubtful that you set one up by accident.

If changes are made to the server while the gui is open it will lock you on the tab you’re on. If you try to deploy you will be warned of conflicts. Do you get any warnings when you deploy?

No, I don’t have any flows like that. VERY basic flows, I don’t have enough knowledge to do something like that :slight_smile: No warnings when I deploy.

I finally just exported my flows, saved the config, and stopped and uninstalled node red. Then reinstalled, pasted config, and started it. Been working as it should so far for several hours now.

EDIT: Now can’t change tabs, damn.

If you do a control f5 refresh in the browser does that help at all?

Nope, an F5 or a ctrl+F5 doesn’t help, thanks though.

How are you accessing nodered through the HA interface? Try replacing 8123 with 1880 when it freezes, open the ha supervisor tab look and see what if anything is in the core or supervisor logs.

Just using the sidebar. Same behavior when accessing it through port 1880. I checked the logs, not getting anything relavent in core and am getting this in supervisor:

21-11-17 14:34:47 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.auth] Auth request from 'a0d7b954_nodered' for 'blabla'
21-11-17 14:34:47 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.auth] Successful login for 'blabla'

You should have dozens of those auth request if you leave the browser window open with node-red’s direct access page. Does it stop when the tabs become unresponsive or do you have timestamps after it’s frozen.

How about changing the port? I’m wondering if there isn’t some kind of conflict with something else requesting the port and cutting off node red’s container access.

I’m pretty sure that portainer could give you more insight but I am not well versed in the program.

Yes, there are dozens. I’ve noticed something while troubleshooting this, when I first bring up node red I get a pop up that says The flows on the server have been updated. Then I can click on Ignore or Review Changes. I click on Review Changes. Then I get another pop up that says this:

The server is running a more recent set of flows.

The changes include no conflicts and can be merged automatically.

I’m then presented w/3 options:

Review Changes

If I click Merge then eventually I can’t change tabs. If I click on Cancel then I’m good to go.

Any idea why these are popping up? Thanks for your time, I really appreciate it.

This is what I was referencing before, something is making changes to the server. Double click on each of your page tabs and choose disable, lower left hand corner. Enable one at a time and see if you can isolate one that makes the server update.

I disabled tabs/flows and the pop up persists. I guess it’s something with the configuration that’s not updating?

Export all your flows, delete the addon, go to your HA file system rename the node-red folder to node-red-old, reboot the host from the supervisor tab then reinstall node-red. Before adding any old flows create a new one to ensure it deploys correctly first.

Perfect, I was wondering how to reinstall NR and wipe the old config/base data. That should hopefully fix me up, thanks for the suggestion.