Tado Thermostat integration Lovelace

In hassio it shows up like this :

In my Lovelace setup it is not showing up after using the immigration add-on . Where can I find the information to configure it?

What are you looking for? A thermostat view, or something else?

i want the same view as the picture (old version)in the Lovelace version.

place entities card inside a view:

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The only info that I inserted into de configuration file is

username: **************
password: **************

and that is the result of the picture above.

How to get mor information to put it in Lovelace?
Hope you understand me, not so good in English writing :wink:

You need to follow the directions for lovelace. That requires you to place the proper information into configuration files.

Got everything working in Lovelace. Now I gonna check it out about the views and Entities cards :wink: