Tag NFC dont open homeassistant

My android app won’t open homeassistant automatically, it open down list for I to select it (look image attached), clicking in homeassistant and only so work, however this is dont cool.

Until android 11, I only scan e worked without any action. But after android 12 upgrade it ask por choose a option as chrome, browser, etc.

If I use a ntag215 (coin plastic tag form), ok. Nothing it’s need.
But if I use a ntag213 (sticker) a action is need.

Someone help me, please.

ps: I’m sorry my English.

translate of the image below: The nfc tag was detected, select the app to open it.

Same problem here. I must select home assistant after scanning tag. The other opcion for me is chrome. I couldn’t find a way to get home assistant as default