Tahoma solar sensor not working anymore after upgrade to core-2021.8.5

I have been using Home Assistant to, among others, control two sun screens and one solar sensor. This has been working fine for months. After upgrading Home Assistant to core-2021.8.5, Home Assistant throws the error “The following integrations and platforms could not be set up: tahoma.sensor.” Checking the log shows:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:311
First occurred: 7:29:35 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:29:35

Unable to prepare setup for platform tahoma.sensor: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘ELECTRICAL_CURRENT_AMPERE’ from ‘homeassistant.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/const.py)).

How do I resolve this?

Silly thing is that I cannot even find where this thing is configured: I use the Somfy TaHoma integration, there is no Tahoma related content in my configuration.yaml, there is no configuration in the custom_components/tahoma directory, and no authentication credentials in secrets.yaml either. So I don’t know where this custom integration is actually configured.

Any suggestions on where to look, and what to change to make my solar sensor work again?

Right, so I fixed it but not ‘limited by’ understanding and insight.

In customer_components/tacoma/sensor.py, I removed all references to “ELECTRICAL_CURRENT_AMPERE” and “VOLT” by deleting lines 12, 22, 83, and 84. And now the component loads and functions properly. Not sure where to submit this issue to the developers though.

You are using a custom component that is available on GitHub, thus you could report an issue here.

Make sure you use the last version of Home Assistant and the last version of the custom component.

It’s been fixed already. You just have to update…

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Excellent, great to hear. Thank you for your help. I’ll update and verify, and will submit an issue if I run into anything with it from now on.


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