Tap_action like function on web image possible?

Having trouble to make a web image clickable. Its on a 480x480 display running i “kiosk mode” with wallpanel. I want the image displayed fullscreen because of the small screen so i’ve linked to it in a subview, and would like to click it to get back to the main view. Any sugestions instead of using tap_action that is not an option for iframe?

Code to the subview:

  - title: Forecast
    path: forecast
    type: panel
      - type: iframe
        url: >-
          https://www.yr.no/en/content/2-5368361/meteogram.svg?{{ range(1, 100000)
          | random }}
        aspect_ratio: 40%
          action: navigate
          navigation_path: /lovelace-android
    subview: true

Use a picture card instead?

Thank you. I first rejected this because of the lack of image resizing and forgot about it, but figured that out with card_mod now.