Tapatalk for community


Why home assistant community not use tapatalk ?

It makes much easier to get notification on mobile phone when you receive a reply or new post in the topic. When you do not have the PC front of you.
Hope there are more than me who thought that tapatalk would be good for the forum!

No thanks for me. :slight_smile: Prefer the very nice mobile ui of this forum.

Agree with @mvdkleijn , nothing more annoying on other forums than the constant pop ups trying to get you to use tapatalk, which does nothing more than the forum itself and (presumably still) charges you for the privilege.

Set up your notifications preferences in your profile settings.

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Which you can turn off.

Except keeping all your forums in one app. This is the only forum I frequent that doesn’t have Tapatalk capability.

I don’t get charged anything…

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While I don’t want to use it, it’s fine by me if this forum supports Tapatalk… As long as I don’t get those highly annoying Tapatalk spam messages asking me if I want to use it. :smile: I agree fully with @anon43302295 on that.

edit: and yes, I probably can turn them off, but why would you make me do that in the first place… That’s just annoying, just like “opt-out” spam.

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All my forums are in one app.




I was referring to the options on the forum’s side. Nothing to do with the client.

Mine are too. Unfortunately, not every forum likes to make mobile friendly versions and half of them look like shit or are hard to use on mobile browsers.

I get it, you don’t like the service, but there are those of us that do. Just because the option is there doesn’t mean you have to use it.

Seems pretty silly to fight against something you never even have to use or know exists.

I’m using this in the Discourse app without a problem. In comparison to Tapatalk with its numerous ads this is fabulous.

I’d hardly call a civil discussion trying to explain one’s standpoint on a topic a “fight” against something. :slight_smile: Anyway, I’ll leave this “fight” at this.

Wasn’t fighting, just expressing my opinion on the topic at hand :sunglasses: