Hi all,
So today I ran into an interesting issue. So I am in the process of migration my HomeSeer Automations to Home Assistant. I went with a setup of a RPI4 and ssd boot disk. To get this to work I had to go with the HA OS 5.x version. I have everything setup my other integrations are working perfectly but i setup the Tasmota (beta) with MQTT. I was able to set it up and get everything working. But I then noticed that if change one light bulbs color or state to off/on they all set the same way. So if i try to shut off a bulb in my office all lights I have configured in the house shut off. All my bulbs loaded are on 9.1.0 tasmota and have the setoption19 0. Now i noticed the system did update to a new version today and am not sure if this happening before as the setup is only days old and i was working on other integrations before. Most of these bulbs where in the system before today just today was the first days i started to setup dashboards and my wife noticed as i was turning the lights off in my office the lights in the living room did the same.
Here’s my system info:
Version 2020.12.0
|Host Operating System|Home Assistant OS 5.8|
|Update Channel|beta|
|Supervisor Version|2020.12.6|
|Docker Version|19.03.13|