Tasmota Integration Beta - Trying to control one light controls them all

Hi all,

So today I ran into an interesting issue. So I am in the process of migration my HomeSeer Automations to Home Assistant. I went with a setup of a RPI4 and ssd boot disk. To get this to work I had to go with the HA OS 5.x version. I have everything setup my other integrations are working perfectly but i setup the Tasmota (beta) with MQTT. I was able to set it up and get everything working. But I then noticed that if change one light bulbs color or state to off/on they all set the same way. So if i try to shut off a bulb in my office all lights I have configured in the house shut off. All my bulbs loaded are on 9.1.0 tasmota and have the setoption19 0. Now i noticed the system did update to a new version today and am not sure if this happening before as the setup is only days old and i was working on other integrations before. Most of these bulbs where in the system before today just today was the first days i started to setup dashboards and my wife noticed as i was turning the lights off in my office the lights in the living room did the same.

Here’s my system info:

Version 2020.12.0
|Host Operating System|Home Assistant OS 5.8|
|Update Channel|beta|
|Supervisor Version|2020.12.6|
|Docker Version|19.03.13|


Unfortunately I’ve only “played” with the new Tasmota (beta) and only used one device BUT I would imagine that all your bulbs have the same MQTT topic? They need to be different otherwise they all react on the same message,


Yeah they are all defaulted to just ‘Tasmota’ Well great this also lets me pair bulbs in the same lamp. This solves my issues and the issue my wife was going to come to me about about why we can’t change a group of these bulbs like we can with Hue Lights.