Hi, I have a really boring problem, I read the sonoff guides with the tasmota firmware but I could not make anything work, I’m thinking about going to try openhab. the sonoff firmware has been modified correctly and the hassio configuration has checked it several times and it seems to me all right. Can you give me a complete and really detailed tutorial? Thank you all.Preformatted text
if you want people to help you, you can better ask more detailed questions on the right place.
do you want a tutorial on how to work with appdaemon?
do you want something with mqtt?
which guides did you read, what did you try, what is exactly not working?
what did you put in your configuration, how did you modify the somoff, and how do you know you did it correctly?
Checkout Youtube for either Dr.Zzs or The HookUP, they both have some Great videos on how to setup Sonoff with Tasmota.
Too broad the picture you’re right, however I’m interested in making it work, and interact with the sonoff with firmware tasmota through HA, this is my first goal that I want to achieve. From the HA site I get lost between various configurations. Thank you
ok, I found these actors on Youtube, very long and complex tutorials to be reviewed several times because I’m Italian and I need to repeat some steps sometimes. Anyway thanks, I try to start from these videos.
Let’s see if I can be clearer, the first point in the start page of my HA I get only this format, despite having loaded and activated mqtt mosquitto nothing else appears and I can not re-add and control my only sonoff switch with tasmota