Telegram calls via own bot, no callmeboot


I wanted to know if it is possible to use telgram calls as notifications without using the callmeboot api.

I mean, for telegram message notifications you can use callmeboot or your own boot.
message by callmebot: Telegram Text Messages from HomeAssistant (easy way!) - CallMeBot API
message by own bot: Telegram - Home Assistant

I was wondering if notifications via call could also be done by both methods. Via callmeboot I have found a lot of documentation but I can’t find anything under bot own.
calls by callmebot: Telegram Phone Calls from HomeAssistant (with Voice Messages) - CallMeBot API
calls by own bot: ???


I see that nobody knows, it’s weird… because according to telegram’s API it is technically possible.

Hi, any progress on the above? I’m also interested.