Telegram fault with Multiple receipients


Setup with one receiver worked flawlessly.
Then I wanted to add a second receiver.
This one has its own bot with a different API.

  - platform: polling
    api_key: API-One-ID

  - platform: broadcast
    api_key: API-Two-ID
  - platform: telegram
    name: First
    chat_id: ID-One
  - platform: telegram
    name: Second
    chat_id: ID-Two

But unfortunately, every message is sent to ID-two. Even messages that were previously sent to the first ID.

What have I done wrong?

platform: polling is different to platform: broadcast. Set the first entry to broadcast as well, and it should work.

Polling is for cases, where you want HA to receive a message (aka it polls Telegram), eg. for sending a command via Telegram to HA. :slight_smile:

Oh sry.
This was a try.
Both platform:polling didn´t work as described
And i want Polling to trigger actions via Telegram

But that’s different as to what you describe in your first post. You said

A receiver is per definition the one who receives the data, thus if you want to send something to it, you need to broadcast. :wink: If you want polling as well, then you have to setup a broadcasting platform and a polling platform. :slight_smile:

I tried both versions.
Both polling and both broadcast.
The fault is still there.

So i switched sthe Positions:

  - platform: polling
    api_key: API-Two-ID

  - platform: polling
    api_key: API-One-ID

Now every message arrives at ID-One.

Sry, my english isnt good. I try with deepl ^^

I want to send text from HA to different Smartphones with different API Keys and trigger Aktions from different Smartphones in HA.