Telldus motion sensor

I have set up my HA and is using a Tellstick and Telldus Live for my lights and switches. In HA my motion sensors come up as switches and have always state “on”. I have not tried them as triggers in HA yet, but suspect they will not work since they are always on?
It would be nice to have them off and see when they are triggered. Is that possible?

I have motion sensors and Telldus live aswell but my appers as binary_sensor.

Have you checked the state in Telldus live are they always on there?

They are “off” in Telldus live. When I click them in Telldus live they go on.The sensors are from Nexa.

Okey I only use Fibaro and Telldus sensors. In telldus are they shown under sensor tab?
Mine shows up as a lightball and they will turn on if i trigger the motion in front of them.

No they are switches in telldus too. I added them as I add switches. Make a new unit. Choose manufacturer and pir, then learn by triggering the motion sensor.

Hi @Fredrik13,

Did you get your motion sensors to work?

I have similar problem, Telldus motion sensors listed as switches, always on (if don’t change manually either in Telldus Live or in HA).

No they still come up as switches in both Telldus and HA. Haven’t looked into it for some time but will have another look at it.

I get it as a device (not as a sensor) on Telldus Live, and it seems to be sending signal whenever motion detected.

But, I don’t want to use those on Telldus Live but on Home Assistant.

I am connected directly / locally to Tellstick Znet Lite v2 from HA.

What is your setup, @sebba12?

Well, did some tests and tweaks.

My impression after these is that if you’ve got Tellstick ZNet Lite v2 (v1.2.0) and Telldus Pir Motion Detection Sensor (433Mhz), it is currenly nothing but a “remote control with motion initiated on and time based off”.

Local API doesn’t include the device/history (at least the firmware version I have on Tellstick), so can’t get the “incoming signal” (motion triggered “On” / timer based “Off”).

Have to try to update the Tellstick to the beta version next.

Nope. Updated to beta version 1.3.1.

Still not able to get device/history from the local API. Can get it via Telldus Live.

    "history": [
            "ts": 1575750856,
            "state": 1,
            "stateValue": 0,
            "origin": "Incoming signal",
            "successStatus": 0
            "ts": 1575750859,
            "state": 1,
            "stateValue": 0,
            "origin": "Incoming signal",
            "successStatus": 0
            "ts": 1575750860,
            "state": 1,
            "stateValue": 0,
            "origin": "Incoming signal",
            "successStatus": 0

It is very correct u need the history or make sure you “pull” the device from HA very very fast (I do this every 1 sec). They appears as switches in HA. And in HA i make a binary sensor of the “switch” and delay the off signal.
Don’t know if its any help.

Sebba12 could you elaborate how you pull the device and make it a binary sensor? How do you use it practically in HA? Let’s say I want the motion sensor to either trigger a light or something else?

By pull the device i don’t write about the unit "Device is the “host”. This you can do by setting scan interval in the setup see here. After this I set up a custom binary sensor by using sensor and adding the switch in the value template like this:

- platform: template
      friendly_name: 'Name'
        minutes: 1
      value_template: >
        {{ is_state('NameofDevice', 'State')}}

This I do because it looks nice and I can bundle more “switches” to one sensor. And ofc I can trigger automation from the sensors.

Thanks, have to try that next.

I asked about the device/history over local API, but the response is that they don’t store the information on Tellstick. Which I find peculiar.

Happily those 2 Telldus motion sensors were only 13€ each, so no big loss to dump them to trashbin.

Thanks @sebba12 again. I was able to setup a custom binary using your example - except the delay_off part (which resulted an error on the config check). As a workaround I have an automation to turn off the switch 2 seconds after it has been turned on. One minute didn’t work (in my case) since if there is constant movement, then the off is timed to the first movement.

Anyhow, the overall delay with the setup is quite long - it takes almost 2 seconds to register the movement - which basicly ruins the use of the Telldus motion sensor as a hallway / walk-in robe light control.