I’m having issues with the Telldus TZWP-102. It’s a wall plug that includes energy meter. Does anyone else have this issue? Or with another Wall Plug, something similar?
The test bench setup.
A Home Assistant running Z-Wave with a Aeotec Z-stick and 1 TZWP-102 Wall Plug.
Distance between Wall Plug and Z-Stick is less than 6 feet.
No other Wave devices
No Polling Intensity on device
Polling on Zwave in general is set to default
The Issue
It’s very slow.
The RTT is about 5-600ms.
Turning the Switch On/Off/On takes several seconds.
1. Overcurrent protection: Enabled
2: Remember device status after power failure: Remember status
3: Send status in Lifeline when Load status change: Send Basic Report only when Load status is not changed by Z-Wave Command
4: LED Indicator: The LED follows the load status
16: Send report on change of power consumption (W): 50
(This parameter will send a power report automatically if the power value changes of x W (Watts) compared to the last report. Default 50.)
17: Send report on change of power consumption (%): 10
(This parameter will send a power report automatically if the power value changes of x % compared to the last report. Default 10.)
101: Power (W) report interval: 600
(This parameter defines the period of sending power reports. Default 600. 0=Disabled, 5-2678400 seconds)
102: Energy (kWh) report interval: 3600
(This parameter defines the period of sending energy reports. Default 3600. 0=Disabled, 5-2678400 seconds)
103: Voltage (V) report interval: 0
(This parameter defines the period of sending voltage reports. Default 0. 0=Disabled, 5-2678400 seconds)
104: Current (A) report interval: 0
(This parameter defines the period of sending current reports. Default 0. 0=Disabled, 5-2678400 seconds)
There really isn’t much more settings that can be changed.