So this is interesting, I have a, well a bunch actually, of these LED Temperature and Humidity Sensor/Displays from ThermoPro. They have their own specific app. They were in the list for Local Tuya with the ThermoPro app, so I t wasn’t that big of a stretch. I couldn’t figure out how to get the key, so tried adding them in Cloud Tuya, which of course couldn’t see them, and neither could IoT Tuya, so screwed around with it and got it to pair in Smart Life, which then IoT Tuya could see it. Cloud Tuya could see it but it was essentially just a dead useless device there. Tried again with Local Tuya and it filled in the key so maybe this is the path.
So now after playing around with it a bit more, this is what I figured out, it has 3 data points, Humidity in percent (OK good), a true/false switch, and temperature in Celsius to one decimal place, times 10. So took me a bit to figure out what the true/false switch was for, well it’s to tell whatever is looking at it that the C/F button has been toggled and the display is showing the appropriate temperature units. But it doesn’t actually change what gets sent in the temperature field, that’s always 10x Celsius.So how could I make that work? Smart Life does switch what it displays, and this device isn’t officially supported in it, so I have to assume this is somewhat commonly done, what I installed was a generic T&H WiFi sensor from the list.
Is there maybe some magic way of defining the entity for this to just work? I’m not sure what is and isn’t allowed there. When I add it through the integration they seem like 2 separate things and temperature just allows a scaling factor which just seems unlikely would be some kind of conditional equation. I have quite a few of these that I have in my freezers and stuck on the inside of glass door beverage fridges, but I’d like to be able to automate alerts based on threshholds, and yea I could do that in Celsius, but what really motivated me to do this in the first place is I am trying to calibrate a bunch of Ecobee thermostats to be the same as mini splits in the same rooms.