Temp. switch between Z-Wave JS UI and Z-Wave.me for testing purposes / controller fw upgrade

Hello, running HA OS on RPi4 with latest Z-Wave JS UI add-on and would like to occasionally start Z-Wave.ME add-on (used in the past, now disabled) to check if there is any online fw update/upgrade for my RaZberry 7 board.

Can I do this without messing my existing devices/entities from Z-Wave JS UI?

Do I need to temporarily disable Z-Wave JS integration while running the Z-Wave.me add-on, in order to preserve existing devices/entities?

(definitely I do not need to start Z-Wave.me integration as that might mess my devices/entities)

Thanks for the help and suggestions…


Feels like a bit of a messy approach, IMHO, especially for something that isn’t frequent.
You’d need to stop the zwavejs container as it will have control of the z-wave interface hardware. Not sure about stopping the zwavejs integration - guess it might help to avoid the risk of it deciding the nodes have disappeared.
Personally, I’d have z-wave.me installed natively on RasPiOS on a different SD card and just shut down HA completely, swap cards, use z-wave.me to check firmware, then go back HA. You only need to run z-wave.me when there is an update, and those should be posted on their website. If their site/repo is consistently-structured, there might even be a way to create a http-based sensor that checks for updates…!

Good suggestion, thanks! - only issue is some amount of HA downtime…

This should work fine without issue.

  1. Stop the ZUI add-on. The Z-Wave integration will lose connection to zwave-js-server and all entities will go unavailable.
  2. Start the Z-Wave.me add-on and do all the things you need to do. Stop it when done. Make sure the add-on is not configured to auto-start.
  3. Start the ZUI add-on. The Z-Wave integration will re-connect automatically and all entities will be available again.
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Thanks @freshcoast - do I need to stop ZWave JS integration as well in order to stop Z-Wave.me add-on messing with my device/entities? Or when ZUI add-on is stopped it will just make them unavailable without any other consequences?

No, you don’t need to disable the integration, you can if you prefer.

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Thanks, I’ll try now and post results…

Works like a charm, no devices/identites lost, stopped ZUI, started ZW.me, checked fw release for RaZberry 7 with Z-Wave.me add-on, stopped ZW.me add-on, re-activated ZUI add-on…