Template Conversion Formula Help needed please. Pounds to Stones and pounds

Could anyone help me convert this formula to a value template please.

For example 284 lb should equal 20 Stone & 4 Pounds

=CONCATENATE(ROUNDDOWN(A1/14,0)," Stone & ",MOD(A1,14)," Pounds")

Math operators // and % https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/master/templates/#math

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Perfect, thanks

{{ (states('sensor.withings_weight_lbs_lee') | float / 14) | round(0, 'floor') }} Stones {{(( (states('sensor.withings_weight_lbs_lee') | float / 14) - (states('sensor.withings_weight_lbs_lee') | float / 14) | round(0, 'floor'))*14) | round(1)}} Pounds