Need to preface this with I am fairly new to HA.
I have a pendant light that can only be controlled via RF. I have been able to create a script to handle light actions but can’t seem to keep track of the Light’s state.
The value_template is what defines the state that the Template light entity is shown to have.
If you don’t have a way to determine whether the light is actually on or off you can leave value_template out of the configuration; Home Assistant will use “optimistic mode” to determine what state the Template light entity is shown to have. It’s better than nothing, but it is prone to be unreliable if you use anything but HA to turn the light on and off.
Ya, what he said. I have some RF433 stuff and it is fire and forget, no feedback.
Your best practice is to send the code 3 or more times and then assume it got there.
It’s all you got unless you build a sensor that watches the bulb to know somehow it is on or off…