Template Sensor for Map Tracking

The issue is to track a specific aircraft on hass and display it on the map and start automations when entering a zone, e.g. arrival at an airport.

The input could be https://opensky-network.org/api/states/all?icao24=4481df
Last part after “=” is the transponder code for an aircraft.

The output is the following if the aircraft is flying.
{“time”:1603823722,“states”:[[“4481df”,"INSP116 ",“Belgium”,1603823722,1603823722,4.4842,50.9003,null,true,11.83,255.94,null,null,null,null,false,0]]}
50.9003 is the latitude
4.4842 is the longitude

Output if not flying is

Question: Is it possible to get this as a template sensor or track device in to HASS?

Many thanks!!