Template sensors from the UI have a bug

Hi there!
I wanted to create a template sensor through the UI, to see the new feature of 2023.9 …

But alas, it chokes on µg/m³ or even g/m³ as not expected for a humidity sensor …

But, % is for relative humidity and g/m³ is for absolute humidity.

Where should I report this bug?

Is it a bug or is it simply not currently supported?

Here’s an excerpt from the Sensor documentation:

– relative: [%]
– absolute: [mass / volume]

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Sounds like a Feature Request, to support absolute humidity.

Just don’t assign a device class (for now) and make a feature request as suggested by Taras.


But where can I do this feature request?

Actually I feel not seeing the forest for the trees … :face_with_head_bandage: