Template statistics once per 5min update


I got power meter and i wolud like to create statistics but need to update once per 5min.

  - platform: statistics
    name: grid_monitoring_power_median
    entity_id: sensor.grid_monitoring_power
    state_characteristic: median
    sampling_size: 60

My power sensor get updated every 5sec
5 minutes = 300 second
300second/5sec = 60 update time of sensor i will get window of 5minutes

Code above will update every 5sec but need to be once per 5minutes

The statistics integration updates whenever the source sensor updates. There is nothing you can do about that.

This seems an awful lot like an x-y situation. https://xyproblem.info/

Why do you want a sensor that only updates every five minutes?

I got apexchart and want on graph to show 15min window median from 15min not every 5sec because its very cpu intesive task

Apexcharts can use long term statistics (5 minute, hour or day). Does this sensor sensor.grid_monitoring_power have a state_class attribute?

No its just “energy” and unit “W” updating every 5sec its too much data

Which integration is supplying the sensor?

Worst case, if the integration does not support it, you can add a state class with customize. You can then use the 5 minute LTS average.

Also power is measured in W, not energy (that’s Wh). So there is something wrong there too.

  - entity: sensor
    class: power
    name: Power
      - id: 19
        name: sensor
        type: integer
        class: measurement
        unit: W
          - scale: 100

Yes its power sorry
Tuya Local, Update every 5sec

Go to Developer Tools → States, what does it list as the attributes of the sensor in the right hand column?

If it has state_class: measurement then use this in your apexcharts config:

  - entity: sensor.grid_monitoring_power
      type: mean
      period: 5minute
      align: middle