Hello people,
I just can’t get on here, everything works but my log keeps showing this message here:
Template variable error: 'dict object' has no attribute 'data' when rendering '{{ value_json.data.state }}'
JSON result was not a dictionary or list with 0th element a dictionary
My config looks like this:
- platform: rest
name: DuckDNS Addon Update Sensor
value_template: "{{ value_json.data.state }}"
scan_interval: 60
Authorization: !secret token_ha_update
Content-Type: application/json
json_attributes_path: "$.data"
- version
- version_latest
- slug
- name
i tried it with config
value_template: "{{ value_json.data.state | defafult }}"
but same error
My second problem is these error:
Logger: homeassistant
Source: runner.py:96
First occurred: 10:02:02 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:03:14
Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
Error doing job: Unclosed client session
Can anyone tell me what this runner.py is about?