Template with attribute


I want create template with attribut for this:

    state: "{{ state_attr('image_processing.platerecognizer_synologyds220_visiophone_hikvision', 'vehicles')}}

And i want just « plate »
What is the correct sintax ?
state: "{{ state_attr('image_processing.platerecognizer_synologyds220_visiophone_hikvision', 'vehicles', ‘plate’)}}
Not correct…

For just the first recognized plate it would be:

state: "{{ state_attr('image_processing.platerecognizer_synologyds220_visiophone_hikvision', 'vehicles')[0]['plate']  }}"

Though you may want to incorporate a sort to show the highest confidence in cases where multiple plates are captured.

state: |
  {{ state_attr('image_processing.platerecognizer_synologyds220_visiophone_hikvision', 'vehicles') 
  | sort(attribute='confidence', reverse=true) | map(attribute='plate') | first  }}

Yes good ! Thanks