I have a situation whereby I can not charge my Tesla in my garage at full rate (32 amps). If charging rate is too high it triggers the breaker and I have no immediate access to reset that breaker. To be safe I set the rate at 20 amps and I’d like to have an automation that prevents the car to change the amps rate above 20.
This is what I came up with and I’d like to know if this should work.
alias: "# Tesla maintain amps at 20 when home"
description: ""
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.tesla_asb_charger
to: null
- condition: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.tesla_asb_charger
state: "on"
- condition: state
entity_id: device_tracker.tesla_asb_location_tracker
state: home
- device_id: 28609fd28c40ac11c51362bb4f20754a
domain: number
entity_id: 4eaa7d25754f56820b2e833ff063752a
type: set_value
value: 20
mode: single