I’ve got Telsa solar panels (without Powerwall), and, when they installed it, the electrician did something unconventional when installing the CT clips and the current sensor box: because I have four cables (instead of two) feeding my house, he couldn’t put the CT clips on those, so he just kinda stuck one on a wire to my Tesla wall charger. This makes my Tesla status screen look a little strange, since charging the car ends up looking like power coming from the grid, but the important thing, here is that the Tesla app shows the solar panel generation accurately.
The problem comes with HA’s Tesla integration. It only exposes one entity regarding the solar panels (which I’m now thinking represents the sum of all of the CT clips): the real-time watts. I use that with the Riemann-sum integrator to use on the Energy dashboard, and, when I’m not charging the car, everything looks fine. When I charge the car in the middle of the night, the dashboard shows a huge amount of solar generation. From this, I suspect that the Tesla integration is just summing all of the real-time power numbers from Tesla (or Tesla is only offering the sum through their REST interface).
Has anybody else encountered this issue? Does anybody know which of the cases it is (the summing happening at Tesla or in the HA integration)? Is there a way to see all of the CT measurements, individually, in HA? Or is my only option just to unplug the (kinda useless, anyway) CT clips other than the one from my panels?