Searching for a solution before posting I found some saying to turn off the wake-word. I tried that. And I turned off (disabled) speech-to-text (Whisper-fast). But it did not change the audio output heard at the ESPS Lyrat audio output.
I’m running an up-to-date HAOS (up to date as of 2024.12.11) on a RPi4.
Is there a way to set up an action to play back sound on the computer / laptop I am on? I ask this as I would like to test if the choppy audio is because of he ESP32 Lyrat platform. I am thinking if I used a computer / laptop to playback the sound and it does not sound choppy then the problem is with the ESP32 Lyrat board.
Turns out the fix was sitting in the project’s comment section. Someone suggested to comment out the ESP32 LyraT’s touch switch YAML code to fix the (very) choppy audio. I did that, recompiled the ESP32 code on the RPi and had HA program the ESP32 LyraT board.