Text To Speech not working after last update

I everybody,after last update to 2022.5 Text to speech is not longer working for me.

My tts configuration (very basic):

  - platform: google_translate


- service: tts.google_translate_say
    entity_id: media_player.lenovo_tab_m10_hd_media_player
    language: it
    message: Buongiorno

as an example.
Never had an issue before the May update.

The mediaplayer is a tablet and when I invoke the service I get this error on the tablet screen itself:

Failed loading sound:wrong url or unsupported file format?

Note that if I invoke the service from the developer tools I get a green check button,but same error on the mediaplayer.

I think it’s something related to the breaking changes on the last update,tried different things but same result.

I’m on Hassos Supervised with NabuCasa regular account.

Any help appreciated.

A mi me está pasando lo mismo desde la actualización cuando uso el TTS de NabuCasa desde la Tablet.
En cambio si lo uso en otro dispositivo si que funciona.
Tampoco encuentro ninguna solución.
Desde la actualización, también me está fallando el control de On/Off de la pantalla de la Tablet a través de Fully Kiosk.

Exactly the same problem after update, on Lenovo Tab M10. On other devices works perfectly.

Weird, my tab is a Lenovo Tab M10 also.
If I use the Browser Mod mediaplayer cretaed I can receive TTS notifications, so I start to think that is something related to Fully Kiosk or Android itself.


@dexxger Just edit your configuration.yaml. And add the integration. Here is a snippet. I did not have to add any options under media_source: for it to work.
