I had text to speech working fine until a few months ago when it just stopped, probably after a HomePod OS update. I’ve deleted and re-added the HomePods. When I run my NodeRed flow, I see HomePod playing and HomePod changed to idle in the log. I’ve tried testing with multiple HomePods. I’ve also tried tts.say and tts.speak.
Is there some new setting on the HomePod or the AppleTV regarding speech? I looked and didn’t see anything. Do I need a volume parameter in the tts request?
This the JSON I’m sending in a test:
“message”:“My name is hanna”
I can control the HomePods from Home Assistant, for example, turning on play and off again.
I created an automation within Home Assistant to test TTS. It doesn’t work either.
I also tried the test message in the Home Assistant Cloud settings. It worked when I sent it to the browser, but not to a HomePod.