The future of Traces

For me one of the most thrilling features that has been added recently is the ability to monitor “traces” automations and scripts. It provides me with a very easy and fast way to see if automations are functioning as designed. The graphical overview of the automation is stunning and it opens a world of new possibilities if you ask me.

Would it be possible to build on these foundations to enable a ‘drag and drop’ interface for scripts and automations? I would love to be able to move an element from one part of a flow to another part or to be able to change the order of the elements being processed.

And what the heck… :wink: Why not add the possibility to start an automation from scratch with these small key elements to choose from. The icons are so easy to understand and delightfully intuitive. My automations are getting more complex and feature rich with every week passing thanks to this view. So it would really help me to get this node-red-ish interface incorporated in HA.

I definitely don’t want to mix and match Node-Red and Home Assistant. I would prefer the HA logic and YAML programming mixed with a very basic flow to highlight the element that I want to edit. Right now I have to scroll pages of code or even more elaborate visual editor pages. I would fancy the visual flow and a visual/yaml editor of the selected element (and nothing more than the one element) in the flow.

I guess this is not an easy wish to fulfill. For now I will keep on dreaming it will be added someday.

Very good idea, I am slowly moving from Node Red to native automations due to better tracing. But using this interface also for creating or modifying the automations would be so much better than scrolling down the current (and often very long) automation UI.