Running HA on a Synology DS423+ through VM. Tried adding a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Plus (ZBDongle-E) and watched as many hours have disappeared trying to get it to work. So far, among other things, I’ve tried adding drivers (Synology: How to Add USB Support on DSM 7 – Marius Hosting), adding Mosquitto broker and Zigbee2MQTT to HA, but not sure where to go from here.
Is there HA support for this device?
Is there improved HA support for the P version?
Shouldn’t the device be appearing in DSM External Devices or Info Center?
If I manually need to HA/Devices/Add Device/type Zigbee, etc. then I’m unsure of device path (and have tried many path guesses here)
in your HAOS user interface, click Settings → System → Hardware → ALL HARDWARE
Do you see anything that looks like your USB stick?
Mine is showing these under ttyUSB0 & 1:
If none, then it is not an HA issue. You will want to first figure out a way to make sure your Synology would introduce the USB stick to your VM. Try research the topic of : synology vmm usb passthrough
Thanks for helping me connect more dots! Revisiting All Hardware confirmed there was no device found, so I began searching with the passthrough term and stumbled onto another forum mentioning Synology DSM VM “others” setting for connecting USB devices, which had never been done, wasn’t even aware it existed.
After adding the USB device and restarting the VM, and once HA came back up, it immediately asked me to install the new device.