The mysterious TTS prompt

About a month ago my TTS prompt line on my combination Lovelace card of Mini-media-player and Alexa Media Player just disappeared… only to reappear a couple of days later… only to disappear the following day… lather rinse repeat… for a month. I have not changed anything.
Am I alone with this mystery or did Colonel Mustard really do it in the Dining Room with the candlestick?
(btw; as of this writing… it’s back)

and 1 hour after I posted “the mystery”… it’s gone again.

it’s baaaack.

You are not alone.
For the past few weeks, I have noticed that it simply disappeared. If I press ‘send’, the following message appears:
Failed to call the notify/alexa_media service. Required key not provided @ data[‘message’].
Although I think this error message is simply because there is no text to send.