The prompt box keeps showing Initializing status after clicking the New Device button

When I’m about to add a new device to ESPhome, I click the new device button and the Initializing prompt box pops up and it gets stuck here without any further progress.

I have not been able to find a solution to this problem from v2023.4.4 Documentation to now v2023.9.1 Documentation. i’m using HAOS.
I’ve tried deleting esphome and reinstalling it, but strangely I can’t seem to delete esphome completely as I don’t need to re-add my esp device after each reinstallation.
I’m so confused don’t know how to solve this problem please help me.

Your esphome yaml files are not deleted by deleting the addon. (That would really f*** people off!)

Try clearing your cache or try looking at your logs.

How do I clear my cache, I’m a rookie, please teach me.
I can use docker to get inside esphome via bash, but I can’t find out which are the cached files and I’m afraid to easily manipulate the contents of the files.
Am I trying in the right direction?

It has nothing to do with the container. It’s about your web browser.

It depends on which web browser you are using but Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl+F5 usually works.

Sometimes the cache is really sticky and you have to do that with the inspector console open and the no caching option selected.

An easy way to test if this is the issue is to try accessing the page in a private/incognito tab.

Thanks for the help, but I have used the inprivate window and tried clearing the browser cache, but that didn’t work.

Then it is not a caching issue.

I got inside esphome’s container via bash, here’s the list of files, I also checked the logs and didn’t find anything meaningful.

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Did you find a solutoin for the “Initializing” issue , I am facing the same problem today, no idea how to solve it , thanks