The uninstalled Alexa integration turns lights on at 2am

Hi everyone!

Since April 13 I have this weird thing when after 2 am every night, Alexa integration seems to turn on 4 lights. 1 light is in bedroom, 3 in living room.
The lights turn on with about 10’ difference.

I’ve uninstalled the Alexa Media Player integration completely from HA, restarted it.
The issue still happens.

There is no automation that runs at that time, I don’t have any Node-RED automations using Alexa nor turning on these lights (I’ve searched in Node-RED to be sure).

Any ideas what could be causing the issue?
Anyone else had something similar?
I’m going crazy and I’m scared :scream:

It is highly unlikely that Alexa Media Player has anything to do with your issue. A.M.P doesn’t expose HA to Alexa, that functionality is handled by HA Cloud, a Custom Alexa skill, or Node-Red.

Those actions are coming from someone speaking to an Alexa device, an Alexa routine, or button press on the Alexa app.

It’s most likely Alexa hunches. From your Alexa app, click Devices at the bottom of the screen, then Hunches.