Themes not working at all

I am trying to add themes through HACS but no luck what i have done are these steps:

I created this line under the default config: in configuration.yaml

  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

then I created a themes directory and restarted hassio

I then installed a theme through HACS but theme selector seems to be greyed and does not change anyone know what im doing wrong? what i want to do in general is to make transparent cards.

Same problem, themes show up for cards but there is no theme option in the user profile. Another uphill battle trying to figure out HASS

…And themes show up in a different browser (FF), but not on Chrome. In FF, it is greyed out with Backend-selected. So clearly no QA on this bug was done with more than one browser.

Same problem, themes show up for cards but there is no theme option in the user profile.
any ideas

same issue here, themes is not visible in the profile page.
It happened after uninstalling one theme.
still trying to find a solution…

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yes same thing hapend to me :frowning:

in my case, I have found a solution.
I lost my Themes in the profile page after uninstalling one of themes while they are in use.
So, I reinstalled theme back and Voila! Themes were back.
I then changed the themes to default and uninstalled the theme.