Hi Everybody!
I am renting out an appartment in Europe. Heating is done via radiators. I would like to exchange the valves for some smart vales.
My tast then will be to set max values, where the tenant can lower them, but can not go any higher.
Can anyone give me a hint on how to accomplish that? Any help is appreciated!
Thank you!
Before you embark on this, you should make sure doing so is legal where your rental is located. If it is, also make sure you know what is legally considered adequate where you live. Denying renters legally adequate heating is considered a violation of civil rights in some jurisdictions.
Thanks for your thoughts. It is legal, since I am not planing to put any low values as limits. Just 70 °F
Yikes, 70°F would be considered a chilly setting where I live. Brrr!
If I was your tenant, and found out my landlord controls the heating, it would not take long before the valves are replaced.
If I remember correctly the default position of a radiator valve is open. So if you just remove the regulating head it will go full heat.
indeed .
Unfortunataly that is a very reasonable assumtion