Thermostat or Temperature Sensor for Wood Stove

I have a wood stove ibsert for my fireplace and I’m looking at using the following device to control the fan on the wood stove. Wanting to control the fan based off of stove and room temperature. Will this work? If not, any ideas?

That looks like it is just a relay with a built in temp sensor and a high price. Whether it works for your needs depends on what stove you have and how willing you are to wire everything up. Seems like it would give you on/off of the fan and at least one temp read. The difficult part will be getting an accurate read of the stove temperature and I’m not sure what that thermo (and wire) is rated at temp wise.

I have a Vermont Encore 2140, but it does not have a built in fan. I use two fans, one aimed at the stove, and one pushing air out of the room. For controlling the fans, I just use TPLINK wifi switches.

For temperature reads, I use an Aqara temp sensor for the room and a home brew ESP8266 based griddle sensor using a ktype thermocouple for the stove.

The hardest part for the stove sensor is figuring out where and how to mount whatever sensor you use for the stove. For an insert, I’m not sure what you’d do. On a freestanding stove, the flue reading is easy (just drill a hole and use a threaded thermocouple). For a griddle, I wanted a surface reading (since that’s how usage is dictated) and wasn’t sure if drilling and threading through the griddle would provide that, so I used JB Weld Extreme Heat to surface mount the thermocouple. Temp reads seem accurate (as compared to the standard magnetic griddle thermo ++ infrared thermo gun). The ESP8266 sends out temp updates over MQTT to HA and then, of course, you can do whatever you want with it.


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