This is blowing my mind. Renaming Aqara Water sensor causes it to change to "wet" immediately. How to reset? This has to be a bug

Can anyone give me their thoughts on the subject? What in the world is going on? And the next question would be how to I reset it to dry because it changes to wet immediately upon hitting the “update” button when changing the entity name for the water indicator entity “…iaszone”.

EDIT: I have reset it to dry using the developer states panel and it hasn’t reverted back.

But this is a repeatable, not random situation. Strangest thing, I’ve ever seen, is anyone else here seen/ are aware of this behavior?

Please describe where and how you are attempting to change the name.

So I have tried multiple ways. The first time as soon as I loaded it through zha on the screen where it shows the big block. I changed the device name just fine and it accepted it with no problem. Then I immediately clicked on the water icon in the same block which opened up the dialog for water detection binary sensor. Then changed the entity name for the water detection entity. And it immediately kicked to “wet”.

I then deleted the device out, restarted HA. Brought the device in again through the zha process. Didn’t change any names. Then went to setting- devices, changed device nameb(accepted fine). Then went to setting- entities, went to the water detection entity, changed the name (going from original to binary_sensor.dishwasher_water_sensor, clicked update and it immediately went to “wet” again.

At this point, I went to dev tools and updates the state manually. Tested to see if the device would work properly and it did. Said wth, and posted here.

Thank you for your response @tom_l. If necessary, I can take a screen recording and post to Google drive and place the link in this thread.