"thread border router required" error when setting up matter device on iOS app

For Matter devices, there is a collapsible element named „Device Info“ in the upper left area that is also labelled „Device Info“. Open that and you will see network type, device type, network name etc.

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Amazing. Thank you for the info, it has helped no end (my device is on Nest network instead of HA network)

Hey :slight_smile:

does anyone know why this happened to my matter devices?
All my devices jump from unavailable to available all the time. But for most of the time theyre unavailable. for months it worked fine. I dont know what happened or what i did wrong.

I just went through this nightmare and figured out what causes it. I didn’t do the sync thread credentials to my phone step.

I wish the error message would suggest that you see step three of new networks at
Thread - Home Assistant where it says:

  1. Before you can add Matter-based Thread devices, your phone needs to know the credentials of your newly created Thread network.
  • To share the credentials with your Android phone, open the Home Assistant Companion app.
    • In the Companion app, go to Settings > Companion app > Troubleshooting, then select Sync Thread credentials.
    • Follow the instructions on screen.
    • Result: You will see a confirmation stating that Thread credentials from Home Assistant have been added to this device.
  • To share the credentials with your iPhone, open the Home Assistant Companion app.
    • Go to Settings > Devices & services, select the Thread integration.
    • Select Configure under Services.
    • At the bottom of the preferred network box, select Send credentials to phone.